Pollicy celebrates International Women’s Day by amplifying women’s voices in the digital age
This Women’s Day (and month), Pollicy is excited to participate in a series of celebration activities to promote gender equality in the digital age. As an award-winning East African feminist civic technology collective, Pollicy is committed to using data and technology to engineer social change. With a focus on research and implementation, Pollicy has been working tirelessly to empower Africans to take back control of their data and reimagine new ways of tech ownership.
Pollicy will also take part in a virtual event on March 7 that will focus on how to deal with violence against women in the digital age. As technology changes, so do the types of violence against women. This event will offer evidence-based solutions to this important problem and show the best ways to prevent and deal with GBV that is made possible by technology. You can take part in the conversation here.
On March 8, Pollicy will be speaking at an IWD2023 Twitter Space where we will talk about how we are using technology to help close gender gaps. This event will give our followers a chance to talk to them and tell them what they think about this important topic. Through this Twitter space, Pollicy hopes to amplify women’s voices and highlight the importance of gender equity in technology.
Pollicy is also excited to announce that on March 8th, we will be panelists at a podcast hosted by Nabuguzi Kiwanuka called Hash Time. This podcast is focused on unraveling social constructs, discussing self-development in line with mental health/emotional well-being, and fostering conversations society is often silent about. The podcast episode we will be participating in will be focused on online gender-based violence and holding space for victims/survivors of this issue. As panelists, we hope to share our expertise and insights on this important topic and work towards reducing the digital gender divide in Uganda.
On March 8th, Pollicy will be participating in an event in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, where we will be speaking to over 1000 women. Baraza la Wanawake Chadema, one of the most powerful political parties in Tanzania, has asked us to take part in this event. Our participation in this event will not only give us a chance to meet local women and share our knowledge, but it will also help the VOTE: Women Program get more attention and be used by both the ruling party and the opposition party in Tanzania. Through this event, Pollicy wants to bring attention to how important it is for women and men to have equal rights in technology and give women the tools they need to be leaders in their communities.
On March 9th, Pollicy will be exhibiting digital tools that promote a safer internet for women at an event organized by Tangible Initiatives for Local Development Tanzania (TIFLD) in partnership with the United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and more than 15 local CSOs to celebrate International Women’s Day. Local innovations that promote gender equality will be shown at the event, and Pollicy has been asked to take part and talk about how to use technology to close the digital gender gap. By taking part in this event, Pollicy hopes to make more people aware of how important technology is to achieving gender equality and to give women the tools they need to become leaders in their communities. The exhibition will take place at the Protea Courtyard Hotel, Sea View, on March 9th, 2022, from 9:00 am. We’re happy to be a part of this event and add to the conversation about how technology can help promote equal rights for men and women.
In addition to the events mentioned earlier, Pollicy is also shooting videos as part of its VOTE: Women Programme. In these videos, women leaders from Tanzania, Uganda, and Senegal will talk about their experiences and share their thoughts on how to stay safe and secure online. The VOTE: Women Programme is an initiative aimed at empowering women to take leadership roles in their communities and contribute to the development of a more equitable and just society. Be sure to follow us online and on our TikTok page.
As we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s Month, Pollicy is still committed to making women’s voices heard and promoting gender equality in the digital age. Through our work and research, Pollicy is taking big steps toward giving women more power and making the world safer and more fair for everyone.