Meet the 2024 Pollicy Fellows: Innovators Extraordinaire

7 min readAug 26, 2024


Back row from left to right: Wanjiku Maina & Ebassa Agrephine Gwladys. Front row from left to right: Getrude Mbaseege, Rashid Kisejjere & Lilian Mulandi

At Pollicy, we believe in the power of data and technology to transform societies, foster transparency, and amplify the voices of our communities. The fellowship program, in its seventh year now, is at the heart of this mission, designed to introduce young professionals to the world of civic technology. Through this program, Pollicy provides a platform for budding innovators to apply their skills in creating data-driven solutions that address some of society’s most pressing challenges.

This year, we’re excited to introduce our exceptional 2024 cohort; Ebassa Agrephine Gwladys, Gertrude Mbaseege, Lilian Mulandi, Rashid Kisejjere and Wanjiku Maina. These individuals have not only honed their skills in their respective departments, but have also embraced the spirit of collaboration, curiosity, innovation and left a mark in the organization.

Spanning from Cameroon, Uganda & Kenya, here they are:

Ebassa Agrephine Gwladys — Research Fellow, Francophone | Cameroon

Ebassa is a student in Economics and a self-described troublemaker — not the kind that breaks walls, but the kind that asks the tough questions necessary for clarity. This inquisitiveness is what drives Ebassa’s research. She has been a part of projects’ impact evaluation with NGOs. She is passionate about sustainability in developing countries and believes that Africa should promote data-driven decisions and monitor them.

“In just a few months at Pollicy, I’ve strengthened my skills in setting up data collection tools, conducting interviews online, and discovering new softwares. I have upgraded my skills in research, qualitative data analysis, and more importantly, in writing and collaboration. I’ve also gained valuable insights into fields like data governance, FemTech, afrofeminism, and even written a paper on Intersectionality in Digital Content Creation— all from the comfort of my home. During our staff retreat, I met some of the coolest and most amazing colleagues. This fellowship will help you like never before and open unbelievable doors if you take it seriously and set goals immediately upon joining.”

Her Life Philosophy: Never take time for granted!

Advice to the Next Fellows: Humble yourself and grab every opportunity to learn. You know, life is unpredictable and you never know what you will come across but as long as you are open-minded, you will always see the good in everything. Trust me, if you do that, you’ll grow both professionally and personally. I know, all this sounds too serious — on a lighter tone let me also advise you to SMILE and enjoy life”

Fun Fact: “I’m so playful and into Manga and anime.”

Gertrude Mbaseege — Research Fellow, Anglophone | Uganda

Gertrude is a self-proclaimed “Con(fidence) Woman. Always learning, always curious. She has her sights set on the Nobel Prize, hoping it remains a noble award by the time she receives it.

“My time at Pollicy has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve grown my skills as a researcher by observing others and applying these lessons in my own projects. I’ve made friends across the world, had doors opened to me professionally, and been challenged in ways that brought forth parts of me I didn’t know existed. My inner feminist has been born and is out of the closet unashamed!”

Her Life Philosophy: As Scooby-Doo once said, ‘To be is to do.’ See that thing that’s been on your mind? Guess what? It IS impossible — until you start. Just do it! You only have to start to find that the steps will become clearer.

Advice to the Next Fellows: Your fellowship is what you make it, so take the opportunity and run with it. Learn as much as you can, ask questions, and have fun. The six months will be over before you know it. Yield to the experience, and take away the networks and friendships. This is my greatest advice to you.

Fun Fact: I live in constant fear of being asked for a fun fact about me. Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny.

Lilian Mulandi — Research Fellow, Anglophone | Kenya

Lilian is an ambitious development practitioner passionate about women and youth empowerment, sustainable urban development, and the equitable inclusion of marginalized groups in all aspects of society. At Pollicy, she has supported projects like the Open Government Partnership (OGP) action research on “Improving Gender Data Collection and Digital Governance in Kenya” and contributed to “The Future of Work” research analysis for Kenya.

“My fellowship journey at Pollicy has been an incredible and impactful learning experience. Working alongside the amazing research department and engaging with the team at Pollicy has been truly rewarding and inspirational. Pollicy has deepened my understanding on the relevance of data and technology including emerging technologies in transforming Africa for the better, and the role of historically marginalized groups including African women in this process. My greatest takeaway has been gaining insights into Afro-feminism and its significance in modern society.”

Life Philosophy: In the words of Elon Musk, “ There are just times when something is important enough, and you believe in it enough, that you do it in spite of fear”. Everyday is a reminder to believe and never give up on ourselves.

Advice to the Next Fellows: Enjoy and take advantage of every opportunity within these six months, they go by very fast. Pollicy is a great and wonderful place to be.

Fun Fact: I love nature.

Rashid Kisejjere — Data Fellow | Uganda

Rashid is a passionate software developer and data scientist. His journey in programming began at the young age of 13, supported by his older brother which grew into an obsession with how computer programs work and how data can be used to make computers smarter. This led him to pursue a career in data science during his Form 6 vacation — a decision he considers one of the best he’s made.

“My fellowship journey has been incredible. Pollicy’s staff have been both loving and supportive, creating a welcoming environment. Through this experience, I have gained a better understanding of working remotely, mastering the art of collaboration and communication in a virtual setting.”

Life Philosophy: When you find a passion, pursue it with unwavering dedication. Even when the path seems blocked, remember that perseverance will always uncover a way forward. True passion never fades; it demands relentless pursuit.

Advice to the Next Fellows: Apply, apply, apply! Pollicy offers an exceptional working environment that you won’t regret being a part of.

Fun Fact: I am a Marvel fanatic.

Wanjiku Maina — Communications & Development Fellow | Kenya

Wanjiku is a digital communications enthusiast with a wealth of experience across various industries ranging from advertising, broadcast media to public relations. She’s passionate about crafting impactful messages and is on a mission to become a development and impact communications guru. Beyond this, she’s dedicated to empowering women and creating environments where they can thrive.

“This fellowship has been a truly eye-opening experience. It has allowed me to dive deep into civic tech & data, gaining a deeper understanding and passion for Pollicy’s impactful work. And Oh! The team at Pollicy is the absolute BEST. You can quote me on that!”

Life Philosophy: Life’s too short to play it safe. Apply for that job, take that trip, grab that opportunity. Do it Afraid.

Advice to the Next Fellows: If you’re thinking about applying to the Pollicy fellowship in 2025, stop thinking and APPLY! The fellowship program offers so much to learn if you stay curious and open-minded. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and step out of your comfort zone. It is a unique opportunity to grow both personally and professionally, so make the most of it.

Fun Fact: I recently picked up a new hobby, camping, and I’m LOVING it! The concept of sleeping under the stars with the sounds of nature — pure bliss!

As we celebrate our 2024 fellows, we also look forward to the impact they will continue to make in their respective fields. Their stories are a testament to the power of relentless pursuit for knowledge.

If you’re inspired by their journeys, keep an eye on our social media channels for the next call for applications.

